Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Procedure For Foundation Excavation In Layton

By Brenda Foster

Excavation is the primary activity of a construction scheme. The process starts from the pits of the building foundations and continues up to the completion of the project. The process involves site clearance, setting out and safety excavation measures based on the depth of pit. Construction of small buildings can be done by use of manual tools such as spades and crow bars. Mechanical equipment will be required for large buildings. The following procedures are involved in foundation excavation in Layton.

Materials such as tree stumps, vegetables and brushwood must be cleared from the construction site. All tree roots above 30cm from the foundation level should be uprooted. Uneven ground surfaces are not suitable for construction works. Spaces and pits left after the removal should be filled with soil to ensure that the surface is even.

A groundwork layout ought to be set. This is done by establishing a benchmark at the site and connecting it to the next yardstick. Depending on the land terrain and the significance of the building, you should take 5-10m or 4-8m interval site levels. Stretching strings can be used to mark the centre lines of the wall across wooden pegs. If you need to set the correct angle of a perpendicular wall, you can use theodolites or tapes to mark their center lines.

Open planking for soft and loose soils excavation should be done. Horizontal boards are placed against the excavation sides. They are anchored by vertical waling boards which are marched to similar wood pieces on the opposite side of the trench. After the completion of the groundwork, the timber pieces should be withdrawn carefully to avoid the collapse of the trench.

Waterlogged surfaces are not suitable for construction works. They make masonry work to be stressful and a lot of time is wasted. All groundwork sites below the subsoil level should be dewatered. Operations such as laying of concrete beds and building of masonry pillars must be done to ensure that the surface is dry. This will thereby enhance efficient construction work.

Another important aspect to consider in foundation excavation is maintaining the water table. It must be retained to a level of 0.5m below the bottom ground surface to enhance dryness. It will be important to select different online websites that provide information on construction work. More importantly, you should identify a site that offers the most efficient and cost-effective ways clearing water on the working sites.

Masonry walls should be built using cement concrete or lime concrete. The concrete should have a mixture of cement, sand and coarse aggregate that should be mixed in the ratio of 1:4:8. The concrete should be placed well and compressed. Use of mechanical tools and machinery will help to ease your work. Furthermore, it will be save time and management cost.

The concrete should be protected by moist gunny bags after two hours of laying. After 24 hours, regular curing should be done and be continued for ten days. However, construction over the bed concrete can be started three days after laying the concrete. A leveling course of lean concrete of 75mm is laid to make an even column foundations and raft foundation.

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