Sunday, October 23, 2016

How To Conduct A Wireless Site Survey Kentucky

By Stephen Mitchell

In the absence of test equipment, it is difficult to detect interfering signals or predict how radio waves are propagated. People, elevator shafts, doors and walls interfere with the radio frequency patterns. That is why a wireless site survey Kentucky is important before installation of the access points.

The person doing the work ought to have a good knowledge on the wireless requirement. Access points need to be located at optimal locations. The possibility of signal interference should be taken into account too. To note is that signal strength increases when the device is near access point. On the other hand, the data rates will go down. Many of the devices used have low transmission power. Therefore, such should be planned for.

In order to succeed in this work, you have to know the ins and outs of the building you are working in. Ask the owner for the blueprints. A city map will be of help too. If they are not available, it is upon you to make a diagram that captures all the rooms and equipment inside the building. If this is impossible, make use of fire escape diagrams. Mapping software come in handy in outdoor surveys in the City Grayson, Kentucky.

Getting the blueprints does not mean that you do not have to inspect the building. Ensure that you have combed it through from top to bottom. There are some items which will not be included but are important in the survey. Thus, you need to take note of them before your plans are advanced.

Before you start working, check whether the building has network infrastructure. You can make use of such in interfacing access points. The common ones include Ethernet and even optical fiber. They are a great support for wireless networks.

Depending on the company you are working for, coverage may not be needed all through the building. Besides this, the clients might want some areas to have a strong coverage compared to others. That is why you have to inquire about this beforehand. Elevators, garages, patios, break rooms, bathrooms, utility rooms, stairwells, hallways and offices are some of areas where maximum coverage might be needed. Areas which are hardly utilized might be left out to avoid wastage of resources.

The mounting location has a profound effect on the final outcome. It can be metal supports or vertical posts. However, they are not the only items which can be utilized in this case. The antenna used is also important. There are wide ranges of antennas available in the market today. Assessing the needs and environment is important in order to go for the best antenna.

You cannot just do the installation and leave without testing the outcome of your work. It is very simple because there is a software to help in such an activity. You only have to install it on your laptop and move around checking where the signal is weak or strong. Besides the signal strength, it also tests access points, signal quality and the data rates.

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