Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Simple Guide To Choosing The Right Mens Cologne

By Patricia Graham

Matters of fashion and good personal hygiene are not taken lightly in this day and age. The world of fragrance is territory well known even by men in this modern age. Finding an ideal scent would ensure that you can easily make a statement about your values, your personality and even your social status. It is always best to ensure that you have plenty of time to do a thorough detective work and find the mens cologne that is right for you.

Your core aim should be finding a scent that could tell a great story about who you really are. It does not matter whether you primarily walk around in sharp suits or the nature of your business involves getting your hands dirty to get the job done. You need to find an aromatic signature that could give you that extra height regardless of what you do or what your plans for the day are.

In order to get a suitable product, you must first get over the myth that some scents are for men and others are for women. Picking a fragrance is a personal choice and you could easily a scent you like in the rarest of places. The only way to know what suits you is by getting to the counter and patiently sniffing various products that interest you.

One of the key things to note is how long a particular scent is designed to linger. Anything with 20-30% fragrance could be expensive to get from the shelves, though a single dab could last for 24hours. On the other hand fragrance that is will only have what it takes to linger for five to eight hours.

Products whose scent can linger for eight hours are in high demand. They are affordable and wearing such perfume could assure you of making your personal and fashion conscious statements all thorough the regular working hours. There are other options which include water in cologne and eau de Toilette which are designed to last for only a few hours.

It pays to know that fragrance evolves. It is often comprised of different scents and what you smell on your blotter paper while on the counter is not exactly what you would smell like after wearing the perfume in question after three hours. There are a few pointers that could make you a smart shopper.

Fragrance will have a top note, a middle note and a base note. The top note is often lighter and will only linger for an hour or two, the middle note stays for longer and this is basically what your friends will identify you with. The base note is not always the best of scents though it assist greatly in enabling the fragrance to settle in. An ideal cologne will be comprised of notes that complement each other.

It takes doing some serious shopping around for you to find an ideal product. Unfortunately, the success of finding the right scent that defines you may be based mainly on trial and error. What is a fact is that your efforts are bound to eventually pay off.

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