Friday, December 8, 2017

Understanding The Security Issues Of Cloud Document Management

By Loris F. Anders

When it comes to management and storage of documentation, it can often be difficult to decide which system provides the best security. Depending on how often access is necessary whether to edit, print, review or share information, cloud document management and storage systems can often be better than others. For, editing, printing, reviewing and sharing can all be done from remote locations.

To understand this new storage system, one must first understand the concept of document management. In most cases, this indicates a filing system where documents, drawings, proposals, specs and other information are stored on an ongoing basis. In some cases, these materials are sent to archival houses when storage reaches a specific capacity, or depending on size, a business runs out of storage space. Depending on whether or not a document may need to be edited should also be considered before storing at a remote archival location.

Businesses which have requirements as to how long one must keep documents on file need inquire as to whether or not storage in the cloud meets this requirement. For, the requirements for one association such as the IRS may be different from others. As such, to assure these requirements are being met, it is important to verify whether or not this is the case.

Most recently, individuals and businesses have been using USB drives for additional storage of data. While this may be a good back-up device, it can often be timely to edit and work on documents on such a device, especially if more than one person needs to do so. As such, it could also be beneficial to have one stored in the cloud when quick access or shared work becomes necessary.

When considering all these facts, it becomes easy to see how storing stuff in this new remote storage system can save companies a great deal of time and money. Although, there are also individuals who have found using the cloud storage aspects to be quite beneficial in personal organization.

Security is often a concern with any storage or management systems. As such, it is always suggested that back up copies are stored in a separate location. For, if there is a breach, or information should be stolen, the original documentation can be retrieved within a short amount of time.

For the most part, storage and management of documentation in the cloud is as secure as that of other locations. Although, with all the hacking into various systems, it is often advised that one places file protection on documents. For, while that may not eliminate hackers form gaining access, it may be harder for one to do so.

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