Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Options Of Laser Vision Correction Brooklyn NY

By Carol Sullivan

Laser vision correction is a procedure that is used for reshaping the cornea of the eyes with the aid of an excimer laser. It is a surgical procedure used on patients who suffer from short sight, astigmatism and long sight. The procedure is however not ideal for all people and some are not candidates owing to how severe it is or because of other medical issues. In considering laser vision correction Brooklyn NY residents ought to understand what it involves.

The most commonly used procedure is known as LASIK, which is laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. For this procedure, there is placement of numbing eye drops in the eyes after which a lid holder is used to keep eyes open. In order to create a flap on the cornea, microkeratome is used. The cornea then gets folded backward so that tissues within it are exposed.

The lasers used in LASIK send light pulses that are used for removing parts of the cornea. As that happens, a patient is required to focus on a source of light to keep his or her eyes still. The actual exposure period is usually less than a minute. When treatment is done, the corneal flap gets re-positioned. No stitches are required because flaps that are used will hold themselves down after being re-positioned. After treatment is complete, eye drops and eye shields will be given to the patient for protection before recovery.

Besides LASIK, there are various other procedures in use and almost all are related to LASIK. When it comes to a LASEK procedure, it is ideal for people not suitable for LASEK owing to their steep or thin corneas. In the LASIK procedure, a corneal flap is created using a blade or lasers while with LASEK, a cutting tool such as a trephine is used. LASEK was developed to reduce chances of a person developing complications resulting from the corneal flap. Alcohol will be used to help in peeling sections of the epithelial sheet.

There is PRK, which is photo-refractive keratectomy. It initially used to be the most common correction procedure and still remains the best option for people with large pupils or thin corneas. Its use has however diminished considerably.

Another available option is known as Epu-LASIK. With this option, a blunt plastic which is oscillating will be used to cut the flap around the cornea. This is different from either LASIK in which a fine blade or lasers are used or LASEK where there is use of a trephine. With the Epi-LASEK treatment, a plastic blade is used to lift the epithelial sheet. This means there is reduced probability of alcohol reaction.

When seeking treatment, one of the first things to do is find a doctor that can recommend the best treatment option. Thereafter, you are able to decide on whether you need laser treatment for your vision. For some people, the only option would be laser correction while other people can consider various other options.

The level of experience of a surgeon will be crucial. You want to deal with someone that has performed similar procedures for long. You also need to confirm whether treatment costs can be catered for by insurance.

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