Saturday, December 9, 2017

Learning More About Icos Or The Initial Coin Offering

By Alxa Robin

ICOs or Initial Coin Offerings are an initiative by companies that helps them in raising funds for their initial capital investment. It releases tokens as stocks or shares of the companies, which is given to people in exchange of the investment they make. Remember these tokens are digital currency which is definitely not the share or stocks of the company and they do not give any you authority over the company.

You must have heard about IPOs, it was a process started by companies to get the initial investment for the capital investment. They would simply offer people stakes of the company, shares or stocks of the firm in return of the investment that they made. Although this process was beneficial, companies still had to be in debt of the investors and often dilute the position of the executives or employees and son. However, with ICOs, instead of offering the investor with shares and stocks, they are given digital coins in return, which are also known as tokens.

ICOs or Initial Coin Offerings is a simple process of helping businesses to get capital investments for their initial campaign. Now, as a company starts, there are a lot of ideas that the founders want to implement in their firm to make it big. But money here becomes the most important concern for the initial investment.

Being a businessman you are left with a very few options, either you look to take helps from the financial investors that are willing to invest in their company in the search for making profit from their investment. Now, this is not possible for a company to achieve when it is not trustworthy enough in terms of profit. Here you go for the second option, either you sell your stocks, shares or look for crowd fundraising campaigns or other such investments.

The Security and Exchange commission have been looking into such investments to ensure they are safe. There are digital currencies that do not really have the need of any regulatory organisation, as there is no tangible proof for it and it protects the issuer and the investor. But there are cases when cryptocurrencies are known to get under the supervision of law.

They work using the computer skills and mathematical theories to solve the encrypted Bitcoin algorithms to ensure what transaction were made and how much Bitcoin is available in the digital world. This also gives them an opportunity to create block chains for the transactions that have been verified and in return they are rewarded with Bitcoins in returns.

This definitely has given rise to speculation whether or not should you invest in ICOs. Well, before making any kind of investment, it becomes very important for you to understand the nature of innovations of the economic world and what can happen in the future.

Instead they only provide you with a medium to use the company's products and services by exchanging the cryptocurrency with others users for cash. Although it is a beneficial way to earn money, it is found that it does contain risks. The risk being, the value of the cryptocurrency can rise and fall in no time and therefore you have to be careful with the investments you make.

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