Saturday, September 9, 2017

Ways Of African Natural Hair Care

By Edward Walker

African hairs are very different from the hair of Caucasian women. The one thing about this type of hair is that it is very strong and rigid. Even though it is not very long like the one for Asians and American women it is quite lengthy . The characteristics I have mentioned above makes it very curly and creates a spiral look. African natural hair care should be done with a lot of caution.

The moisture in this hairs type is very little. This explains why it can be damaged easily. Combing hairs with curls all over the head it tiring and if you are not careful it can break. For this reason you have to be more careful while combing.

When you look at the curls of most black women, you will realize that some sections are longer than others. In some parts the curls has a slower growth while others just become shorter due to regular breakages. Common affected areas by breakage are at the back and on the front of the head.

You all know that black curls are attractive. This aesthetic look can be retained every day when you follow the best practices for caring for your head. Just avoid using tips that can result to negative effects to your head. Considers the methods discussed below for black hair care.

There is no a better way of caring for your curls than a good head message. This relaxes your scalp for other hairs care practices. Now get some natural oil and apply it on the curls and skin because it is healthy too. One of the reasons as to why it breaks is when the it becomes very weak is the application of chemicals. The best comb for African hairs is Afro-comb.

When washing the hairs you need to be very careful on what you use for cleaning. You need to know that it should be cleaned with warm water. Our hairs contain oils that we apply daily and when we clean it we should get rid of these substances. You might want to add some shampoo when cleaning but when you do so make sure that you apply the least amount as small as you can.

It is wrong to rub your hairs using the towel to after washing it. Just blow it since this is better for drying it. You can also do treatment by using natural hot oil and nothing else. Natural products are the best for caring the hairs. Also when combing your head start by the ends to ensure that they open up the logs they form and you can start by combing down and slowly.

Just like any other type, black hairs has its advantages and disadvantages too. The thing you need to know is its negative characteristics because they will help you know the weak points. After understanding them you can be sure of the things to do or the ones to avoid so that it is not damaged . Individuals can decide on the tips they use for their hairs provided that they will not increase damages.

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