Thursday, September 28, 2017

For Better Business Communications Solutions New Jersey Organizations Are Looking At VoIP

By Mary Russell

As borders disappear and new markets open up, competition in the business world become fiercer than ever before. Only those companies that can satisfy the demands of their potential clients can hope to thrive and survive. Effective communication systems are vital in obtaining high levels of client satisfaction and all organizations are forced to improve their own systems. Yet, when it comes to improved business communications solutions New Jersey firms increasingly opt for VoIP.

VoIP systems became popular from the very beginning. These systems use the internet to allow users to communicate with each other. In the past, one drawback was that internet was not always available everywhere. Things have changed, however, and there is hardly anywhere where it is not possible to connect to the internet. VoIP is flexible, user friendly and it offers a host of benefits no other system can.

In many cases, organizations are initially motivated by the huge savings they will make on the communication bills when the move to VoIP. They quickly realize, however, that while the savings are indeed as high as 50 percent of their previous telephone bills, they also enjoy many other benefits. VoIP users are generally much more productive and they can respond to the needs of the clients much quicker.

Traditional PABX systems have one major drawback and that is that the user has to be present at a very specific place if he wants to make or receive calls. This means that employees were chained to their desks, unable to move freely and to respond to customer demands. VoIP allows users to be in touch all the time, regardless of their specific locality. This allows them to be where they can be most effective and productive.

Most users are absolutely thrilled by the idea that they can access the VoIP system with different devices. Tablets, laptop computers and smart phones can all be used and it is not necessary to consistently use the same device. User accounts are automatically consolidated and users will always have full records regardless of the device they use at that time to communicate.

People have grown used to features such as call holding, call transferring, voice mail and even conference calls. With VoIP they still enjoy all these features, but also many more productivity enhancing features. VoIP offers voice to email, email to fax, fax to email, video conference facility and even the ability to transmit data to other devices. These features help organizations to offer their clients highly professional personal service.

One of the reasons why traditional PABX systems were so expensive is the fact that a separate installation at every site was required. This means that multiple installations had to be maintained and every installation required the appointment of an operator. With VoIP there is only one central installation, significantly lowering the initial capital outlay required. The software is hosted by the provider and maintenance costs are therefore minimal.

There can be little doubt that sophisticated and advanced communication technology can provide an edge in the modern cut throat business environment. More and more organizations are opting for the benefits of this technology. After all, competitiveness and client satisfaction is all about efficient communication.

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