Friday, January 13, 2017

Top Considerations In Selecting Lighting For Helipad

By Anna Clark

Helicopters are used in most rescue missions because they can land on any place. Most buildings that are designed in the cities have been designed with a unique spot where the planes can land in times of emergencies and on regular days. Just like the design that is followed in a commercial place where the planes land, it is important that the right course of actions are followed in marking the place so that the pilot can see it from a distance. Lighting for helipad is modern LED systems that are used on these special spots.

The role played by the lights that are installed is very important. For a pilot who has never been in the building, they do not require a navigator on the ground to know the exact position where they should settle. The marks are seen from a distance in the air whether it is day or night. No case of the pilot hitting the house will happen.

The lights have alternating patterns of lighting. The operation is programmed by experts. The lights sense to the intensity of light and darkness as well. When it is dark or misty, they tend to light more so that they are seen from a distant place on the ground. It is necessary that the correct efforts are followed ion getting what is expected from the installers. Most high buildings have helipads that are well marked with the lamps.

The installation of these facilities is done by some big companies that deal with airport management. It is advisable that any task that related to fitting the lamps is done by these firms. The methods that are followed in marking the space with lights is simple and accurate. The expert leaves only when everything is working just as it should.

Evaluating the skills and qualification of installers is important. Various companies have specialized in training their staff on how the led lamps are installed on the helipad. When the contract is given to such experts, everything will happen according to the plan. The exercise is also insured hence the amount incurred will not be at risk.

The amount that is incurred during the placement and installation of these systems is quite high. The amount will depend on the type of materials that have been used for the exercise. Most companies have rates of services hence you will know the amount you have to pay at the end. Make the right plans that will suit what you are looking for.

Th lighting system is very useful since it is automatic. When the intensity of darkness is very high, they tend to light brighter. When it is during the day, some will only blink to indicate the exact positions where the plane should be landed. These systems are critical especially when there is fog, or visibility has been affected.

Ensuring power supply to the systems is reliable is critical. These systems are used during the day and night and are always sending signals. Backup power must be fitted for effective performance all day and night. Experts ensure all facilities are working just fine.

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