Saturday, January 7, 2017

Factors Affecting Distribution Network Design

By Christine Smith

For a firm to be successful in its operations, it has to make sure that its products are well distributed until they reach the final consumer. The firm has to set up a functioning system that includes a network of people, storage facilities and transportation that will efficiently move its products, otherwise known as a Distribution Network Design.

There are merchandises that do not reach some places where users need them and this usually happens because the producer does not put in place functional designs for their product to reach all users. To ensure that a product reaches its target market, its producers must understand that different techniques work for different products and they should find a system that will best supply their item.

Most production businesses are situated quite a distance from the clients who use their products, meaning that they have to put up a strategy that will ensure the goods reach the clients in timely fashion. For companies dealing in perishable goods, they must make sure that the goods are transported fast enough and are stored in cool places to ensure they last longer.

Looking at how competitors distribute their products will also aid in helping select a reliable plan. Most companies will use almost similar methods of distribution and overlook some other methods which may turn out to be more effective. The point is always to make sure that a selected design will beat the one used by a competitor in all cases.

When selecting a supply strategy, a company must make sure that it uses the least amount of revenue yet attain high levels of client satisfaction as well as ensuring distribution is efficient. Firms will have to employ and train people on their preferred strategy and they must also ensure that the benefits of doing that will outweigh the revenues spent.

All companies want to spend the least amount of money when implementing a supply strategy, but this should not mean that the service and value are compromised. After a firm has selected a strategy to use, it should stick to the set guidelines of operation and under no circumstance should it deviate else it may find itself unable to operate normally.

It is vital to be aware of the rules and regulations set by relevant authorities that affect the distribution process. These authorities are responsible for setting taxation percentages and other rules for distribution services. These rules might be changed on a regular basis and if the heads of an organization are not updated, they might make mistakes which will put their organization on the wrong side of the law and this might incur them other charges, hence limiting profits.

It is advised that the lawmakers in a firm rank their options for distribution in order of preference. It is also wise to start off with one system and as more information is gathered, other systems may be pursued. Sometimes other designs may be found that correspond with the one being used and if they are merged, it is likely that faster growth will be seen.

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