Thursday, July 4, 2019

Expert Guide On How To Prevent The Flu Naturally

By Arthur Baker

Millions around the world will catch flu once or several times a year. The victims are left to deal with such nasty symptoms as coughing, fever, body aches, fatigue, sore throat and a running nose, among other unpleasant experiences. While medication is an option, experts advise people to know how to prevent the flu naturally so as to avoid the toxic substances that come with medicines.

Avoid the crowd during the cold season. The infection spreads fast during the cold season in enclosed spaces. This could be a difficult step but as much as possible, it can be done. It might mean that you avoid schools, nursing homes, workplaces and homes for assisted living. It is especially important for people with weak immunity. Keep distance from a person who is coughing and sneezing because it increases your chances of infection.

Maintain clean hands through regular and thorough washing. This must be your habit before handling food. It helps you keep the germs away from your mouth because they can stay alive on a surface for up to 24hrs. Keep your hands off your face because the skin there is sensitive. Clean the face using a soft cloth or towel.

Take necessary steps to boost your immunity. Your immunity will make it easy for you to catch diseases or avoid them. Each healthy foods and make it a balanced diet. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet. Drink plenty of water as well. Avoid fatigue by sleeping sufficient hours every day. Seek treatment as quickly as a disease crops up.

Live in a clean and disinfected place. Germs that cause this viral infection will remain on surfaces and even fly with the wind. If surfaces around your home or office are not disinfected, the chances of picking these germs increase. Some of the surfaces that are prone to infection causing germs include toys, telephones, light switches and doorknobs, among others.

Expose your body to the sun for a significant time to soak in vitamin D. Vitamin D has been identified as one of the elements that result in a strong immune system. However, you should only soak in sun that is moderately hot to avoid exposure to cancer. Use sunscreen when the sun is too hot.

The body requires significant exercise based on your level of activity. Exercises boost your blood and nutrient supply to all body organs. If all parts of the body are sufficiently nourished, your immunity will be strong and effective in fighting flus. Exercises also cause you to breathe excessively and therefore send away most of the viruses from your lungs. Jogging in the park gives you sufficient supply of fresh are and enables you to keep away from crowded areas.

There are other measures like seeking treatment immediately an infection or disease sets in and avoiding sugar as well as alcohol consumption. Annual immunization is recommended to keep the body strong and keep away the virus from the body. A strong immune system is the best natural protection you can ever get.

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