Monday, September 3, 2018

Factors To Consider When Choosing Concrete Sealers NJ

By Michelle Evans

There are a lot of concrete sealants that one is supposed to choose from. Their variation is based on their content and their brand as well. These products are used to enhance the durability and appearance of concrete surfaces. Many things should be considered to choose the right product. Below are a few factors to consider when choosing concrete sealers NJ.

Start by acquainting with the different types in the market. The major variation of sealant is based on their capacity to penetrate and forming a film foam. Penetrating sealants include silicone, silicate, and silanes. They protect the concrete from extreme temperatures, and excess rain and ultraviolet rays. Film foaming types are used for decorative works and protection as well since they form a barrier when they are sprayed on the surface. They include acrylics, epoxies, polyurethanes, and urethanes.

Confirm whether these products are available in local outlets. You should consider purchasing the sealer in person to have an accurate insight into their suitability. Therefore, choose a store that has a wide range of brands and types that you can choose from. It should as well have competent staffs who will provide relevant information about these types to make the right decision.

Consider the safety of your favorite type. Most products have passed the federal standards coefficient of friction, but that does not guarantee that they are ideal enough. Film foaming types have high slippery compared with the penetrating types due to the coating that they form. However, one can add an anti-skid additive to the film forming sealant to reduce their slippery rate. Some of the anti-skid additives to consider include plastic grit, clear polymer, and white silica sand.

Determine the appearance that you will achieve. The kind of appearance to achieve while sealing a concrete driveway is determined by the type of base that the sealant has. Those with a solvent base produce a high gloss and finish compared with water-based kinds and the penetrating type. The penetrating types do not produce any gloss or finish due to their chemical reaction with the material.

Acquaint with their output. An area that is sealed can last for more than three years. Their longevity is based on exposure to substances like water and ultraviolet rays. Products containing plenty of resin content can last for an extended time compared with others. They include products that are made out of epoxies and acrylics. Consider products with a high professional grade as opposed to those with a low-cost grading.

Define the application process. Sealants can be applied either by rolling or spraying. Solvent-based types are supposed to be sprayed whereas the water-based sealers are best applied using the rolling method. Make sure that you achieve a maximum coverage by covering about two hundred and fifty to three hundred square per gallon. Apply two thin coats and ensure that the sealant does not form thick, uneven areas.

Learn how to maintain the sealant. There are a couple of considerations that can be made to maintain a sealed driveway in good condition. This includes washing it with soapy water and a soft brush, removing stains immediately, avoiding driving heavy machinery on the driveway and avoid deicing chemicals.

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