Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Challenges Facing Industrial Metal Supply AZ

By James Davis

Challenges are a part of every activity. When it comes to business, these challenges determine how well the business does and how fast it grows. There are challenges facing industrial metal supply AZ and they determine whether or not it is successful and efficient. Some of these challenges are explained below.

Supply of low-quality products has been one of the major problems in this industry. The market is full of products that do not reach the required standards. This has negatively influenced production. It makes the production process difficult because these low-quality metals cannot handle the normal high pressure used in production. Some losses are incurred during the process and the end product is substandard too.

In the recent past, the government has introduced strict regulations and tariffs that govern production and transportation of metals. The high tariffs lead to an increase in the price of the metal. This is a burden for the buyer and reduces demand for the product. The supplier might make losses when customers stop buying due to the high prices. The government should review the tariffs and make them favorable.

Another dominant challenge in supply is the unavailability of certain products. Some products have disappeared from the market yet they are still required. They are no longer available because the raw materials required to manufacture them are either too expensive or not easily accessible. This leads to the stalemate of certain projects. In some cases, the unavailable products are replaced with alternatives during the production process. Producing a high-quality product as planned becomes difficult.

A common problem in this field is late deliveries and supply of wrong grades of metal. Some suppliers do not deliver goods on the agreed date. This can have a great negative effect on the production process especially when the metals were to be used immediately after delivery. Sometimes the wrong grade is delivered and the replacement process has to be done. This is a very time-consuming process that leads to a lot of delays in other areas.

Poor infrastructure has been hindering a smooth and efficient supply of metal. The government has not been able to improve and maintain all roads. The poor roads will delay the delivery since it takes longer for trucks to drive on these roads. High transport costs resulting from the high cost of fuel has a negative impact on supply. Heavy commercial trucks used to deliver metal consume a lot of fuel. Since the fuel is already overpriced, the overall cost of delivery is very high. The solution to this issue can be regulation of fuel prices and improvement of infrastructure.

Another major problem faced in this field is volatile prices. The cost of raw materials is always rising increasing the cost of production. This happens while selling prices in the market still remain the same. In most cases, losses are likely to occur. To solve this problem, it should be possible to introduce regulations on the pricing of raw materials such as coal.

The quality of the after sale services offered during supply is very low. The customer service is also disappointing. Poor after sale services are especially seen in the way products are packed. There are cases where packaging is done so poorly it affects the quality of the product. It gets to the delivery point distorted. Packaging should be done well to protect the goods from any damage that can happen. It is also important for suppliers to follow up with the customers in order to build good business relations.

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