Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Do's & Don'ts Of Gaining Impressions With Vehicle Graphics

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

When vehicle graphics are made, one long-term goal stands out above the rest: to gain as many impressions as possible. Anyone that's involved in advertising will see this as a given, but it can be tough to get eyes locked onto your graphics as they move from place to place. How can this level of challenge be reduced, you may wonder? Here are some of the do's & don'ts that will be able to help you in this respect.

DO design your graphics to be as simple as possible. Believe it or not, your vehicle graphics can be made effective by keeping things simple. What this means is that you shouldn't overcrowd your wraps with numerous images or clashing colors. Instead, showcase only what's needed, so that your graphics can be easily read. The likes of JMR Graphics will stress that you follow this guideline as well.

DON'T reduce the size of your font too much. If your font is too small, it can be difficult to read. This becomes particularly evident when your graphics are in motion, as people require more time to read what's being shown. Fortunately, increasing the size if your text will ensure that your messages come across well to all audiences. Even though clutter should be reduced, this shouldn't come at the expense of font size.

DO understand the importance of consistent graphics. What are some of the most common vehicles used for marketing purposes? A few that spring to mind include buses, trucks, and even trains. Regardless of the surfaces that you use, your graphics must remain consistent from a visual standpoint. This helps to increase branding, which your local fishbat Long Island SEO agency may be able to help you with.

DON'T forget to include CTAs. Also known as calls-to-action, CTAs can make vehicle wraps all the more effective. The reason for this is that they encourage people to carry out further actions down the road. For example, if a wrap showcases a new snack food, maybe it will tell them to log onto social media to stay up-to-date on new deals. While this is a general example, it speaks to the importance that CTAs have, not only for gaining impressions but general marketing purposes.

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