Monday, June 19, 2017

In The Case Of Deficiency, You Solution Lies In Iodine Derivatives

By Stephen Smith

There are numerous different reasons why people are deficient in iodine. One of the primary reasons is due to poor farming techniques, which leaves the soil depleted of many different nutrients and minerals, including iodine. Another reason why many people are deficient of it is that the bread dough conditioners are made with bromide, whereas many years ago they were made with iodide. This is important because bromide competes with this element, and so by consuming all of these products that contain bromide, it will, in turn, replace it, making people deficient. However, you can still find a friend in the iodine derivatives.

The iodine element is one of the most important minerals, especially with regards to thyroid health. Many people with a thyroid condition have its deficiency, and until this deficiency is addressed, there is very little chance of having their health restored through a natural thyroid treatment protocol. The reason for this is because the element's deficiency is necessary for the formation of thyroid hormone. So if someone is deficient in the element, this frequently will result in a hypothyroid condition.

But before you go out and fill up on all foods loaded in iodine, do note that extreme amounts of the element can be just as harmful. Hyperthyroidism or acquiring an over-abundance could trigger troubles such as inflammation of the throat and mouth, vomiting and nausea, stomach aches, weight-loss and even set you in coma.You could also just as conveniently acquire your appropriate daily dose of the supplement from the prenatal vitamin you purchased over-the-counter as a lot of them now provide the recommended levels.

Rather than put yourself on an iodine loading protocol, it's a good idea to speak with an expert. More and more people with Graves' Disease are consulting with natural endocrine doctors since most endocrinologists and general practitioners would not recommend such a protocol or any natural treatment methods for that matter.

During pregnancy, the dose is increased to 175 micrograms and then 200 micrograms when breastfeeding. These recommendations were based on preventing goiters but not on optimal thyroid function and the synthesis of T4 and T3. The element was added to flour in the 1960s which provided a small dose per slice of bread.

As someone who has suffered from hypothyroidism for many years and didn't realize the link with the element until recently, my first instinct was to get as much iodine as I could... DON'T... As this could leave you very, very dead! Instead, do as recommended and increase your daily intake or purchase a good multi-vitamin from the pharmacist, which contains the RDA.

Like its deficiency, too much of it can also be very devastating to your body, including causing permanent damage to the brain and intestines. However, it is safe to say that it is highly unlikely that the overdose would be possible through food intake alone but caused by taking too many supplements.

So if your diet does not provide enough elements you need to turn to its supplements which are normally derived from seaweed and available in both capsule, tablet, and liquid forms. Each usually contains about 150mcg and is the preferred form for use in treating low thyroid conditions. For those simply wanting a daily supplement un-standardized kelp is usually adequate. Of course, as usual, consult with your health advisor before taking any kind of supplement.

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