Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Cost Cutting Strategies Ontario Through IT And Automation

By Lisa Richardson

The pressure to cut down on costs while offering added value is more rampant than ever. During tough times, the most common tendency is to concentrate on financial evaluation than transaction processing. Nevertheless, there is substantial money to be saved when organization processes are examined and refined. Below, are practical, cost cutting strategies Ontario that are relevant and easily applicable in the current market.

Running a company requires a combination of long- and short-term strategies. Especially during periods of economic uncertainty, executives must find a way to keep the company afloat in the short-run but prepare it for future growth. Payroll expenses are targeted to avoid paying high salaries and to eliminate redundant functions. Roles once held by middle managers are delegated to supervisors and upper management. Tenured employees can be replaced by interns, temporary workers or new hires for less pay.

This may appear as a good cost-cutting strategy to most online entrepreneurs; however, direct feedback by customers acquired through these live chats is one very good source of evaluation tool for your company in terms of dealing with customers and their specific issues and concerns.

The other practice to avoid is foregoing employee benefits. This is in the same context as compromising customer service, only that it deals with the internal aspect of the company. The employees and staff that you have are the force of your company. If you think cutting down their mid-year bonuses to 20% won't affect the service they offer to your company, think again.

Reduce Error Handling. Manual processes are prone to human error. And trying to fix a self-inflicted problem wastes valuable time and money. Significantly reduce your margin of user-error by cutting costs through automation. Information becomes more accurate as mundane manual tasks are replaced by highly reliable automated methods, boosting profits and saving you money.

Value-added products and thinking future-oriented. Any product that no longer serves the needs of the customer or the business should be eliminated. Think future-oriented. Reducing jobs is a temporary fix. A focus on future growth strategies will keep a company afloat now and provide opportunities for additional expansion in the long-run.

Who knows, the economy might recover just a few days right after you cut your marketing costs and your business is nowhere to be found while your competitors have taken over the social media sites, papers, television and other marketing venues. Remember, business is selling your products and, or services, if there is one thing that you need to cut down on, it should never be your marketing budget, otherwise, your business might never sell at all.

Ultimately, the company will preserve its reputation, gain the trust of its workforce, and help drive down costs until the economic nightmare is over. Examine employee compensation plans more closely aligned with sales revenue. Partner with other businesses and suppliers to develop a win-win strategy. Participate in your Chamber of Commerce, and other business and professional associations - network! See what other businesses are doing, and what works!

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