Thursday, February 14, 2019

Benefits Of Gas Fired Infrared Heaters Ohio Manufacturers Sell Over Forced Air

By Pamela Brooks

The sun is the universe's most efficient heater. The sun creates combustible gases that warm the earth's surface. That way even during the coldest winter, you are still warmed by the heat radiating from the sun. The gas fired infrared heaters Ohio manufacturers make work in somewhat the same way. They use fuel to warm objects below them, such as floors, tools, machinery, and people. The warmed objects, in turn release heat into the atmosphere, which warms it.

This system is perfect for industrial manufacturers that operate in warehouses that are large, open, and high ceilinged. These warehouses have traditionally been heated with forced air. These heating systems are built into the warehouse ceilings and blow out hot air at the rate of a 747 engine. It usually does an adequate job, but is inefficient and costly. By contrast, infrared heat systems are 50% more efficient.

This type of heating can be high intensity or low intensity. The high intensity has been around for almost seventy years. It operates with an open flame and requires a high mounting. A reflector is used to direct the heat source.

Low intensity heating mimics the sun. It generates radiant heat. Most of these kinds of heaters are suspended with chains from ceilings. They are controlled by a thermostat.

The low intensity heating systems have enclosed flames. To create heat, a burner box ignites a gas and air mixture. A fan forces this mixture through tubing. The tubes release energy that reflectors direct onto the floor. This type of system begins at the floor level instead of the ceiling level to create warmth.

If you're working with a forced heat system, every time you open a door the heat escapes. The system has to start over to heat the space. If you have infrared heat on the other hand, the heat from the floor acts as a reservoir that retains the extra heat and continues to heat the area until the loss of heat from the door opening is marginalized.

There are a lot of benefits to using this kind of heating. One of the biggest is the financial savings. Forced air heating is about fifty percent less effective than infrared heat. This heating system is quieter, cleaner, and doesn't blow debris and dust all over the space like those that rely on blowers. This sort of heating as zoned capabilities. It can function independently or as a unit.

Like all heating systems safety precautions must be taken when they are use. Objects that have lower temperature ratings have to be kept at a safe distance. Gas and electrical lines, lighting, and parked cars have to be shielded.

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