Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Appropriate Ways Of Cleaning A Printhead

By Jerry Hughes

It is pretty much obvious how the world have turned into something that is mostly manipulated of everything that is electronic. Even the simplest activity which is documentation of both articles and photos are done in a way that somehow is undeniable easy. It goes without saying how printing both paperwork and photo are done in a snap and is less effortless, students and employees have had their share of the advantage it has given. To ensure that printers are able to operate at its fullest and may be able to provide the quality that is way off the grid, it should have an excellent videojet printhead.

This little thing that is attached to every printer invented today apparently plays a very important role to the way it operates. Aside from the fact that it gives an even better printed outputs or coding, it also minimize some normal technical problems from occurring such as paper and web jamming, label slippage and some more. This may just be tiny and usual problems for printers but it can still cause tremendous delays and hassle.

It also promotes a faster printing time than and highly accurate. The pressure that is regulated automatically from the printhead is what makes its performance be to its optimum level and quality. That being said, it only means that it plays a vital role to ensure only the best of printers operation so it is important that it is maintained in a way that is appropriate to achieve its longevity.

When cleaning this areas of a printer, it should be done on a way that it is not too much that ruins the electronic components in it. But, not that light as well that may still left particles that would cause it to dysfunction. Cleaning must be at least one time every week and there should be no cleaning during a shutdown.

Ink cap are actually the reason why the inks inside are not drying out. It is responsible for the blocking of air from entering the nozzle and prevent the clogs that may cause problem when printing in the future. During shutdown, if the printers are opened, there are possibility that the inks are diluted.

Before jumping right away to the whole procedure, be sure to off the AC power of the printer. The Ac power and compressed air supply to printers should be disconnected from the socket. Safety should be done first and failure to do this may cause or lead to injuries and no one wants that.

Once that part is well handled, go ahead and find where the printhead is placed. Notice that it is covered and screwed pretty well, get a screwdriver then have it unscrewed. It should allow sliding the main printhead out of its cover once the step was done successfully. Now, completely take that thing out.

Then proceed to inspecting for dried particles as well as ink that is on the surface of nozzle and charge tunnel. This time, the next step would be grounding printhead. Place it on a downward position on a grounded service tray then flush all those accumulated particles around it using a videojet cleaning solution.

Make sure to only use enough amount and not drown the entire printheads with the solution. After making sure it is already clean, let it dry. It is not advisable to use cloth nor tissue papers in drying them. Before, putting back the removed object to its cover, ensure that the covers were completely cleaned too.

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