Sunday, January 20, 2019

4 Reasons Why Gas Flaring Can Cause A Dilemma

By Timothy Butler

This world had entered a new age in which technology became very vital in the development of society. You could clearly observe it as many individuals keep relying on it. More manufacturers, plants and oil industries certainly needed as well. Speaking of oil, drilling technology had been utilized for a thousand years. It keeps on evolving but its purpose and functions still remains the same. Furthermore, it became very useful in producing those types of resources. Without it, the economy in many countries may not flourish. Regardless of that, working in those industries is sometimes not the ideal workplace for all, considering that it contains many hazards. In that case, workers there must be protected when they work on compliant gas flares.

Society definitely needs those products that came from oil and gas productions. While doing the operation of producing those goods, flaring will happen. Flaring is the process of incinerating the waste gases by the use of flare stack or any combustion apparatus. It disposes those waste gases while discharging the emissions into the air. As you could see, this could certainly be used to reduce those contaminants like carbon dioxide.

As it burns natural gases, it emits carbon dioxide. However, its function is to reduce it, make it less toxic. Regardless of that, it still cannot stop on releasing contaminants that could ruin the environment. Some might say that its purpose is just for mere protection for the equipment and operators.

And speaking of that latter, no matter how that equipment can make a person safe, there will always be unexpected circumstances that will occur. If that certain tool will malfunction, people might suffer at those dangerous hazards. Furthermore, below are also the reasons why it is considered as a problem in the society.

One, flaring also discharged methane. And that chemical gases can definitely harm the planet Earth when too much of it is contained in the atmosphere. It causes to absorb the heat coming from the sun, warming the atmosphere. That is why this is also greenhouse gas.

Second, it brings harm to humans. Usually, the people living near the area of drilling well will most likely suffer some health problems from it. They might have dizziness, vomiting, loss of coordination, headaches and nausea. Some even reported that lung as well as skin problems can happen.

Third, it affects the agriculture. Acid rain is sometimes being linked with the activities being done through gas flaring. Acid rain can cause to acidify the lakes and damage the vegetation. As a result, the nutrients of the soil were depleted due to the contaminants. And in that case, the crops will lose its nutritional value.

Fourth, it increases the pollution. Like previously mentioned, flaring can just pollute the air because of the chemical gases like methane. Global warming would be a problem. In addition, it also affects the water surfaces, making it toxic due to oils and muds from drilling.

Other individuals may find this irrelevant. Nevertheless, there might be an alternative for that. And it might bring more benefits for humans and the natural environment.

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