Saturday, January 13, 2018

Advantages Of Healthcare Database Marketing

By Gary Nelson

Advertising using databases has been around for more than two decades. However, the emergence of data technology and data explosion over the recent years has made this form of advertising so pervasive. It involves identifying, collecting, and analyzing customer information. This information is usually sourced from both internal and external sources which include email correspondence, promotional efforts, sales information, social media and warranty cards. The subsequent sections will elaborate more on the importance of healthcare database marketing.

In a medical setting, there is much information that warrants the need for information advertising. These include staff information and medical records among others. Through database marketing, medical facilities are able to monitor patients and how they are progressing with treatments. The patients can also communicate with staff whenever then need assistance.

Another way in which database marketing can be beneficial to healthcare is the reduced cost of treatment. It comes in many ways. For instance, patients do not have to spend money to travel to facilities to book an appointment or even pick lab test results. All this can be done at the comfort of their homes or offices. Likewise, healthcare facilities do not need to deliver handwritten prescriptions to chemists to discharge drugs.

Another way in which such marketing is beneficial in the medical environment is that it encourages uniformity. The government will have an easy task keeping records of healthcare facilities on a single database. Besides this, records of patients are readily available, so the concerned doctors will take less time to provide treatment. They do not have to peruse through disorganized files. This means that a doctor can be alerted through email about the condition of their patients.

One of the ways in which patients can seek treatment on time is if they have a direct interaction with doctors and nurses. Through this, they are able to know of their condition and discuss possible treatment options.

Every year, there is an increasing number of older patients that need assistance. This put pressure on existing caregivers because they cannot meet the demand. But through technology, it is possible to connect caregivers and patients, which often stay at home. The seniors in need of immediate assistance can be serviced by home nurses within the locality. It is also possible for the government to send systems alerts to care providers in all parts of the country.

Sometimes, it can be hectic for doctors to visit patients in different medical facilities. However, through technology, they can monitor the progress of their patients from wherever they are. They can also communicate with their patients through the various means such as social media. Patients, on the other hand, are able to take care of themselves with the aid of tech products. For instance, there are applications that can monitor their lifestyles.

With that said, the database marketing has not made everything perfect. There are some shortfalls in some areas. However, the positive outweighs the shortcomings. To enjoy all the benefits, it is best when major stakeholders who include patients and healthcare providers put the systems to use.

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