Monday, July 3, 2017

How Diaspora Support Services Contribute To Positive Development

By Walter Cook

For a long time, people have been moving from their motherland to foreign nations for various reasons. In most cases, people are looking for better opportunities that are not found at home. When facilities are not sufficient or below standard in the home country can also trigger people to look outside where they can access better facilities. The main reasons why people have been moving away from their homeland are education, tourism, and employment. These people in foreign nations are not only an important part of diaspora support services but also the main driver of development at their motherland.

Most persons staying abroad have a better standard of living. As such, they tend to help those in their motherland to improve their living status as well. The diaspora community often forms social networks aimed at promoting their welfare and those at mother country. In most instances, these individuals send money to their loved ones and other social aid initiatives. This kind of support will go a long way in uplifting the living standards of family members.

There are several job opportunities created by companies who offer services to the community of citizens living abroad. Since most members often send money home, financial firms act as the medium of transfer. These companies create a lot of job opportunities for many skilled professionals.

One way in which a country can benefit immensely from the countrymen in foreign nations is improved quality of education and knowledge transfer. These individuals who sought education abroad are important assets for their countries. They could help in developing better policies for the country as well as transferring the gained knowledge to fellow kinsmen. The programs could also help in linking local firms with other firms in various parts of the world, thus, enhancing international benchmarking.

Members of a nation living abroad are in a better place to build more networks and grow as a person. Besides this, they can also land other opportunities which could be useful to their home country. Such opportunities could be shared with fellow countrymen, thus, resulting in positive growth for the motherland.

In most cases, people in foreign countries are always looking for ways of putting good use of their money. So, they always look for opportunities at home. These people can take advantage from the ventures that are shared within the diaspora community. Their governments back at home will benefit from the direct investments and taxes generated from such opportunities.

Another area where it benefits the most from individuals living abroad is healthcare. Given that a proper health care system leads to a better productivity of the population, so any form of aid to the sector can trickle down to positive development for the country. The community could help in terms of monetary support, skills, medicine, and equipment.

Basically, there are uncountable ways in which diaspora community is beneficial to home countries. The members of this community make the highest percentage of people who are giving back to society. In overall, their help has led to improved standard living.

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