Friday, March 3, 2017

Tips For Purchasing Boom Trucks

By Jonathan Smith

When buying any industrial machine, due care needs to be taken because these vehicles are normally so expensive that you cannot afford to be careless. Buying a secondhand industrial vehicle can help you increase your fleet if you do not have the cash for a new one. However, you need to be meticulous when buying used boom trucks for sale.

It is for fear of losing money that many buyers prefer dealerships. However, whether you buy from a dealer or an individual, the most important factor is that the vehicle be in good condition. The tips below will guide through the process so that you find a truck that ca serve your needs efficiently.

Understand the purpose for which you need the truck. The manufacturers of boom trucks design these machines for very specific uses. However, there are some models that can perform a myriad of functions. If you visit any yard, you will find a digger derrick, a bucket truck, an aerial lift truck, and even a cherry picker. Hence, know what you need before you set out.

It is advisable that you use a vehicle for the purpose it was intended rather than using it for other purposes for which it might not be equipped. When considering the use, think of factors such as truck size, boom length, and weight. You might also want one that comes with a bucket or platform. All specifications of the vehicle should meet your intended use.

Ensure that the hydraulic system is in perfect condition. Most heavy vehicles are operated using hydraulics, so if this is damaged, it means that the vehicle is useless until it is repaired. These repairs can be very costly, so it is advisable to avoid stalled vehicles that need major repairs. Test the truck and ensure that there are no leaks.

Ask for past maintenance records. A well-maintained vehicle can last many more years then the manufacturer recommended. However, if it is used carelessly and there is no proper maintenance, it may only last a few years. You should ask for these records so that you have evidence that the maintenance followed regulation and you are not buying something that the previous owner mismanaged.

Check if the vehicle meets safety requirements. Heavy industrial vehicles should comply with OSHA standards so read the safety manuals and confirm that the truck has all the requirements. While some issues might be minor and you could easily handle later, pay attention to the major ones such as multiple crane controls, safety harnesses, vehicle outriggers, safety control mechanisms, and non-conductive casing.

Look out for auction days. Most dealerships allow buyers to pace their bids openly. Such deals could see you get a good vehicle at a very good price. However, this requires that you first research on their inventory. Once you know what you are targeting, you can then place a bid and hope that you win.

Contract a mechanic. Once you have identified what you need and that everything is perfect. Get a mechanic to have a final look and give his/her recommendations.

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