Thursday, August 25, 2016

Only Use Trustworthy Mobile Windshield Repair Providers

By Roger Richardson

What a gorgeous day! You're driving down the highway without a care in the world, you've got the top down and your Audrey Hepburn sunglasses and scarf on and you're belting out "Walking on Sunshine", when all of a sudden- smash! The BMW in front of you has had the nerve to kick up some stones and one of them has left a crack in your windscreen. Now, before you think you'll need to sell your soul for mobile windshield repair in Surrey, BC - make sure you have all the facts at your fingertips.

Any damage to your windscreen should be repaired sooner rather than later. If left for too long, cracks may get worse, making the glass weaker and more often than not, resulting in a more expensive repair. The difference between a chip and a crack is that a chip is a small break in the glass caused by a stone or something similar hitting it.

Before submitting your claim to the insurer, check that the actual cost of fixing the item isn't less than your deductible (sometimes called an excess). For example, if a procedure costs $250 and your deductible is $300, there is no point in claiming, because you are liable for the first $300 of the fixing procedure.

As claims go onto your insurance record and could impact your premiums at increase time, consider whether it would be worth it to claim. For example: the repair will cost $250 and your deductible is $230. This means that the insurer will only pay $20. Would that additional $20 actually be worth it? The more you claim, the more of a risk you are deemed to be, which means that your premiums will increase at your next policy renewal.

Windshield technicians will usually be able to advise whether the combined damage will affect the integrity of the glass. They will reveal whether the whole thing should rather just be replaced. The position of the damage on your windshield will also play a factor.

If the crack is older than about a month, there may be residue buildup inside it, from the glass being washed, dust and elements in the air. The location of the crack will influence whether the glass should be repaired or replaced. If the crack impairs the driver's sight of the road, the windscreen should definitely be replaced.

Unfortunately there are those that take advantage of unsuspecting people like you, so watch out for companies that try to convince you to replace instead of repairing a windshield. An unscrupulous individual may replace your windscreen with substandard goods, which could impact your safety.

The resin used in crack repairs is thicker than that of chip repairs as it needs to be stronger to completely bond the crack together. The resin for chip fixing is thinner because it needs to get into all the little spaces and the strength of the resin isn't as important as in a crack repairing job. And now that you have some knowledge of the steps involved in windshield fixing in Surrey, BC you should be able make an informed decision!

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