Friday, August 26, 2016

Care Guide For The Growing Cycads

By Walter Nelson

When you own one at home, make sure that you have some ideas to maintain them properly. Since this one is not very common. This can be seen in selected countries. They have no branches but the leaves are grown from the trunk. Be sure you learn how treat them very well. And they would grow strong and healthy.

They only grown in tropical climate and sub tropical too. Because they need some sunlight but not too much. When they are grown in western countries, it is okay but you have to make sure they stay okay. Growing cycads should not be taken for granted. Be sure that you have some background for their own advantage. Keeping them alive is important.

Learn the correct placement. The position matters a lot since this will give a great impact to the plants. Though, they are used to stay outside, but remember that too much exposure to the sun will not do great to them. Especially the leaves which are very sensitive. The perfect is to have them in an area with low light.

Any types of soil would do. No need to choose because you must use some fertilizer to make them healthy. This is required to all plants because they could serve as sources of minerals and vitamins. And you would be given the assurance that everything would be okay and you will not worry they can die.

Feeding and watering. Putting them water everyday is required. Especially during the dry season. You have to ensure they will not run out of water. Because they need enough moisture to let them grow, and be able to produce healthy leaves. But during the cold season, you would be able to save some water. Since, they get some moist from the rain.

They do well when you place them outside. Since they get enough vitamins and minerals. But not in an area that exposed them to too much sunlight. Putting them outdoor would make them stronger. This is a case to case basis and depend on the climate condition. It would be great if you own a patio. Since this is their ideal place.

Make sure that adequate protection should be given to them. Because it is important to ensure that they will be free from any types of damage. Since the snow is not great to them. What you must do get an old blanket. You should wrap the plants for their own safety. No worries, since they can still breath and will stay alive once you remove the cover.

It is normal that there is some things that cannot be prevented. That is beyond the control of everyone. The best way to prevent that to happen is to prepare a soapy water. You need to keep the leaves to stay fresh and healthy. Use the soapy water to wipe the leaves. You are given the other option which is to expose them to direct sunlight for ten minutes.

The tips above are for everyone who have the one at home or they plan to buy them. Just ensure that you would be able to spend time with them. So they get the enough care they want. Your love and care are what they need.

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