Monday, May 9, 2016

Star Wars Action Figures Are Fun

By Peter Lewis

Any person growing up in the 70's, 80's or 90's knows all about the unique dolls and toys which were made by Mego and Kenner. Star Wars action figures have been around for a very long time and they are very wonderful to look at and to play with. People everywhere would love to have a Hans Solo doll who looks just like the actor named Harrison Ford.

Mr. Ford gave Kenner his permission to make a statue who exhibited his rare facial qualities. When the original movie first came out human beings all over the world were going to view this spectacular event which was something very original. They would learn all about the character Hans, Luke and the beautiful young Leia.

The producers and directors of this movie made certain to sign their actors onto this great toy deal. Hans Solo, Luke and Leia were the top three characters within this film and this was very wonderful to all human beings. The movies had so many aliens and other creatures within it. Hans Solo could be seen in three different forms within toy stores.

He could have been easily called Ken Solo since Hans and Barbie's boyfriend Ken had the same body issues. They both had clothing that could be changed on a daily basis and this was very odd. After all Hans was a doll for boys and he represented a superior male who could tangle with any villain.

A company called Hasbro decided to get in on the action a few decades later. They introduced a new larger Hans Solo doll which could not compare to the original. This Solo character was a bit heavy and he seemed to have very hard features which was very bad. Fortunately Kenner had made a Hans doll that had a better texture and this is one reason why it is more expensive on today's market.

There was also a mini version of this very handsome gentleman and this item was about three inches high. Nowadays the toy makers are producing Han Solo dolls which are very expensive and difficult to find. Kenner was also smart enough to change Han's clothing when the Indiana Jones movies first arrived. Now boys could have Hans Solo dressed as the great man of adventure.

Unfortunately the original Princess Leia doll was not a big money maker during the 70's. Little boys were reluctant to buy this beauty since she was a female. Many toy collectors now realize that this particular item is worth tons of money. Leia had very realistic hair and she also had clothing which could be removed. Fortunately people can still buy this particular item within the original package.

During the 1990's Hasbro once again released a Leia statue which was not up to the original standards. The doll was very odd looking and did not resemble Carrie Fisher at all. Her hair was held together by glue while the original had long locks which could be combed and styled. She also had a very gentle smile upon her face.

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