Saturday, May 7, 2016

Find Why You Can Still Install Used Pallet Racks

By Raymond Olson

For many businesses and industries, warehousing and storage is an essential part such that putting up an efficient facility is a critical project. The main challenge in these businesses more so those dealing with non-perishable products is the cost associated with storage. To cut down on such costs, a viable option would be to install a pallet racking system. Even when you do not have enough capital to put up a new system, you can still purchase used pallet racks and get more benefits at a low cost. An old system would also be easier and fast to put up.

Pallets can be made from metal, plastic and wood, and then put in a racking system that has shelves at different levels. Forklifts are usually essential in this storage system as they simplify the loading work. Especially for racking systems in large warehouses several feet high, forklifts become essential equipment that significantly simplifies the loading tasks.

There are different types of pallet racking storage systems. The commonly used is the selective racking system. With this system, you can access the pallets from the aisle in the structure. This system can handle different types of storage such as standard, aisle, and deep reach racking. The aisles in this type of system require specialized lift trucks since they are narrow.

Another type of racking system is drive-in and drive-through racking system. These structures are appropriate for high-density storage since they are fabricated from steel. They also have space that allows a forklift to go into the bay of the structure. The drive-in structures have one entry or exit while drive-through structures have an entry on both sides. The difference in the entryway significantly influences the storage of material. For instance, materials in the drive-in system are loaded using last-in-first-out mechanism. This makes drive-in system appropriate for non-perishable items. On the other hand, the drive-through system uses a first in and first out mechanism.

Another system is the push back arrangement. This system is suitable for bulky material since you can store material that can use up several pallets deep as well as several level high. The system operates in such a way that when the pallets are loaded, they move the others back so that they lie on the railings. Again, when the pallets are unloaded, they are pushed back to the front. The system is more appropriate for large materials.

Pallets and racks are a storage arrangement with significant benefits. A major advantage is saving storage space. For businesses such as logistics and delivery, the space saved can be used to store more items. The stacking system also improves efficiency in the facility by not using the valuable floor space.

Safety is also a key benefit offered by this storage arrangement. Since high-quality materials need proper storage and safety, pallet racking structures provide the safety needed. They also offer reliability and strength increasing safety in the storage facility. At the same time, workers and inventory in the facility are also safe.

It is also a cost efficient and inexpensive storage system that is affordable for organizing your inventory. Even a old racking system has long-term benefits that far outweighs the damage or lost time due to lack of an efficient system.

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