Monday, July 1, 2019

Top Five Spots Of Where Common Pests May Be Hiding

By Anna Kelly

Many homeowners or residents of apartments of rented spaces are expected to follow a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to ensure that their shelter stays stable. One important step in this routine is to check for pests which can affect the overall structure and comfort of a home. Here are some spaces to check first before contacting a Pest Control Valrico FL.

The first place you need to check is the kitchen. Considered as their haven for food and water, these critters often hide in corners and dark places in hopes of getting crumbs and water droplets. When left ignored, these creatures can multiple quickly which immediately leads to an infestation.

To keep these creatures at bay, homeowners are advised to clean up after themselves as soon as they finish eating. This includes sweeping the floors, disposing leftovers properly, and sealing off food containers and bottles tightly. Additionally, it also helps to wipe these ingredient bottles down to avoid ant infestation.

Another area to inspect which is usually found in the kitchen is its pantry. These are cupboards, shelves, and areas where ingredients that do not require refrigeration are kept. Small insects like ants often like to burrow in these places which can contaminate your food and sauces. To keep these critters at bay, keep your dried goods in sealed containers while also wiping down bottles.

Next are bathrooms. Certain insects like cockroaches, silverfish, and centipedes naturally gravitate towards water which can be found in pipes and faucets. These spaces also provide the right environment for them to breed and eventually increase in number. When this happens, it can leave unwanted droppings in your bathroom while also leaving foul smells.

Next is the garage. It is no secret that most rodents and insects tend to thrive in dim areas that have little interference. Similar to dark corners and attics, the garage can be considered an ideal habitat although they have less chances of storing food. Nevertheless, they do favor this area especially cluttered garages since it increases their chance of creating new hiding spots.

With these places in mind, residents are expected to perform routine cleaning and maintenance work. This includes storing away their food, wiping down damp areas to prevent the growth of mold, and making sure to dust and sweep the floors and corners regularly. However, in some cases, these steps may not be enough especially if you have inherited an old house.

These are just examples of places where you need to be careful when cleaning. When inspecting these areas, it helps to be prepared by getting some handy pesticides and equipment ready. More often than not, certain pests can be easily handled by homeowners provided that they were able to spot these critters before it was too late.

However, certain cases may require expert help. This involves calling an exterminator to inspect your house at every corner. The reason why one should consider hiring a professional is because there are materials that cannot be easily found in stores. Additionally, they also provide more ethical measures that are effectively get eliminate these critters once and for all.

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