Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tips For Preparing For And Taking The DOT Physical San Antonio TX

By Scott Harris

People who drive trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles need to be in perfect health. The time they spend sitting down as they drive could become a health problem. Employers ensure that CDL holders are not at risking their lives before venturing out on the road. To avoid any health problems, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires rivers to ace the DOT physical exam before they can get a commercial driver license. Before taking the DOT physical San Antonio TX residents should know about it and tips for passing it.

When taking this test, you need to fill in a form containing your health history. This includes information about the medicine you are taking, surgeries you have had, substance issues and other things. The medical examiner will test your blood pressure, pulse, hearing, and vision of both eyes. The doctor will also test your urine to check for any drugs, blood sugar, and proteins.

You need to be healthy when undergoing the DOT physical. If you have a health problem like hypertension or poor vision, you may not get a commercial driver license. It is advisable to avoid drinking caffeine-rich beverages like energy drinks and coffee one day before the test since. Such drinks can raise your blood pressure and make you get disqualified. Sleeping well before the day of the exam is also crucial so that you can be well rested.

It is also vital to be clean when taking the test to avoid issues like body odor and bad breath. The medical examiner can notice such odors, and this is not something you want. If you are diabetic, avoid eating a lot of food before the exam, for it can raise your blood sugar levels and lead to disqualification.

If you have medications or compliance letters for special diseases, make sure you bring them along. You should also take copies of recent lab tests with you. Such a gesture can impress the examiner, for it shows that you take your health seriously.

Carrying your medical records to the exam will help the doctor in assessing quickly if you meet the requirements of the test. If you have a health condition like high blood pressure, carry the contact details of the doctor who treats you for this condition. Carry your medication list and it should include the name of the prescribing doctor, dosage, and every medication you take.

Ensure that you arrive for your appointment early. When you arrive, remember to be courteous and patient with the medical staff there. The medical examiner may not see you right away, since there may be many other drivers taking the test on the same day you visit. Being calm, polite, and patient can go a long way in ensuring that you have a more pleasant experience.

The DOT exam makes sure that a person is healthy and can drive properly. It ensures that only physically fit drivers get to drive commercial vehicles and this helps keep their lives and those of other road users safe when on the road. Eat well, stay active and take any medication you may have.

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