Monday, March 11, 2019

Learn About Machining And Manufacturing Facts

By Amy Ross

Technology has helped a lot of people since it improved our lifestyle and quality of living. Imagine living a life without your mobile phone, your digital watch, your laptop, your TV, camera, and other gadgets. It would be very dull and boring. We already got used to living with these products. However, there will always be pros and cons of CNC machining Ohio and manufacturing operations.

We must thank the manufacturers who built these helpful things. Without them, we would not have our cellphones by now. If not because of these products, our level of productivity would not have drastically improved. However, let us not deny the truths that among these advantages are a few disadvantages as well.

One disadvantage is the development of monotony. What we use to love doing becomes repetitive and boring. This is all because of the use of these machinery. Instead of doing the manual work, all we are tasked to is to operate them and they will do the job for us. Surprisingly, this can cause depression and anxiety to laborers.

Another disadvantage is the dependence. People became dependent on these machines and not being able to perform their work properly without them. Our dependence caused us to be lazy and their absence means incapability to work. Without them, we tend to under perform our job. This is a very common problem to the society nowadays.

Third is lack of art. Try comparing a manually created object to a stuff produced by machines. The manual creation would look more creative and artistic. They replace the authenticity and originality of some products. Another issue is unemployment because since their ability can outperform human ability, companies have no reason to hire humans at all.

Another problem is the increase of unemployment rate. Companies nowadays do not need human laborers at all. It is because technology output is more reliable than human output. Aside from its speed and accuracy, they spend lesser time in giving supervision because training laborers is time consuming. Humans have lots of employment issues like attitude and attendance problems. To reduce these, companies found ways to eliminate them.

Talking about the positive side, it makes the production of goods faster. Let us all acknowledge the fact that human capabilities is always weaker than machinery. Another advantage is easier work. Heavy and dangerous jobs should not be performed by humans. For example, road construction must be accompanied with engines and vehicles to carry heavy objects.

Next is making use of natural forces. We cannot travel from one country to other without riding an airplane and we cannot arrive to our destination on time without riding buses and trains. The waterfalls and rivers cannot transform water current into electricity without these machines. There is no food preservation without using a refrigerator and cannot cook without a stove.

The point is that it is only up to human kind whether to abuse these technologies or not. It would be our loss if we become too much dependent on its usage. Let us help ourselves and not forget how to be independent and efficient in our own ways.

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