Thursday, February 14, 2019

How To Refinish A Piano

By Scott Foster

The flooring is subject to be destroyed because of the wear and tear for long periods of time. Regular maintenance is essential to restore the capabilities of wood that have lost its luster or already faded. The refinishing procedure have different processes such as finishing, sanding and staining. This can be performed all by yourself or hire someone that have experienced in this field. When it comes to steinway piano refinishing, individuals must consult an expert to do the refinishing.

Call a few experts to see what the pianos are worth. Refinishing it will take a huge chunk on budgets and for amateurs doing it by themselves will put lots of risks on the parts and may ruin it for good. Get an idea on the overall condition before trying to sink money into it. Try contacting local companies in your area and let them assess it.

Apply the first coating of stain remover. A lint free rag has to be used for the process. A foam brush is also applicable. Put a few amounts of stain remover one area at a time and let it cool down for a few seconds. Wipe away the excess coating to prevent it from streaking.

Locate the serial number. The serial number is part located on the plates between the tenor and bass strings. Some are located right at the top when the cover is being opened. The serial number will prove that the equipment is made from top manufacturers that uses high quality materials. You can visit the internet and search how much it will cost.

When removing the varnishes, use a furniture paint stripper to eliminate it. Old varnish is hard to remove so you will need a lot of it and apply it several more times than necessary. This will take longer on the scroll work and the ornate parts. It is essential to remove the old varnishes to make room for the new one.

When coating, lightly sand it after the application. Use a steel wool or a fine grade sandpaper to sand the finishing coating. A few numbers of finishing touches while sanding will give it a professional sheen. This will take long periods of time so this must be done at least once only.

Choose the materials that are sold from reputable companies. Even though the prices are high and expensive, the quality is guaranteed and durability is there. Do not try to use low quality and defective products because this might damage the other parts.

Get referrals from your loved ones and friends. They may have undergone the whole process in the past and they can share some useful information that will be beneficial to you. Ask for more inquiries from a company to have the procedure prefect.

Price is the most important factor to consider. Hiring professionals will be expensive not mentioning the part on the instrument and other materials. Individuals must be prepared financially to cover all the possible expenses that might occur during the procedure.

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