Thursday, July 12, 2018

How To Identify A Reliable Expert In Academic Proofreading And Editing

By Donald Taylor

It can be quite frustrating to have a manuscript rejected for publication because of errors within the script. One can increase the chances of the book sailing through by acquiring the services of an expert in academic proofreading and editing. These professionals usually correct mistakes in a manuscript, thus making a better read for the waiting audience. This article will discuss the considerations one should make when hiring experts in this line of work.

It is advised that a prospective client checks the portfolio of the individual they are about to choose. The more extensive the portfolio, the more experienced the prospective employee. Experience in this field is usually helpful since it often helps the expert spot easy to miss errors. If the manuscript is for a significant project, a newbie should not be entrusted with proofreading.

Most clients usually use freelancers for this kind of work. So that they attract clients, some freelancers can buff their portfolio with non-existent references. For clients to weed out unqualified candidates, they are usually advised to contact the references that are provided by candidates for a job. One should seek to find out the proficiency of the potential employee from the past clients. Individuals who receive low ratings from references should be avoided.

When a job is being done online, all the client usually has is faith that it will be completed on time. One can guarantee that a task is handled successfully by only relying on copy editors who have proven their reliability. Individuals who have let down past clients can also do it to new customers.

Academic manuscripts are usually strict. For an expert to know which terms are correct and which ones are wrong, they should possess a working knowledge of the matter at hand. Sensitive manuscripts should not be assigned to just any individual, however good they are at proofreading. Instead, one should carry out due diligence with a view of ensuring that the candidate of choice is adequately qualified for the task at hand.

It is usually advised that clients entrust their work to native speakers. Native speakers are less likely to change the meaning and subject of a script. A foreign editor can alter the grammar in the writing and hence mess the whole meaning. To avoid such incompetence, one should try to find an editor capable of handling the task while keeping the message intact.

Copy editors usually charge different rates. Some base their prices on the amount of work being handled while others charge clients by the hour. There are very many proficient copy editors available in the market today. One should, therefore, seek an individual capable of providing top-notch assessments at a price that is wallet friendly.

Experts who are willing to guarantee their work should be prioritized in the hiring process. An individual who is willing to accept payment only if the client is satisfied with the results is usually more likely to take the work seriously. Individuals who rush after payments can do a shoddy job just to get paid. Before committing to hire, one should make the candidate of choice do a test. A test can help one gauge the expertise of a copy editor.

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