Monday, June 4, 2018

What You Should Know About Geese Control

By Timothy West

There is many different species of goose and they can cause problems for many people. One of the biggest problems associated with geese is their droppings. When geese become a problem then you will want to explore the different geese control options.

Many companies exist who can help with getting rid of pests such as birds. Homemade remedies are also an option when it comes to sorting out the problem and these could save you a lot of money.

When you get to the point where you have had enough of the problems caused by geese then you will want to explore what can be done. The first thing that you should do is to stop feeding the birds in all locations. It is always a good idea to deal with the problem before it gets too big as this will make it easier to deal with. Making the area unattractive to geese can be an excellent starting point, as it will help reduce numbers.

There are a number of control methods which can be used to control the problem. Many of thee methods are non-lethal whilst still being effective. Many of the companies that offer pest control services can provide these methods. Regardless of where the goose problem is there is a lot of options which can be used to deal with it.

Human food should not be fed to the wildlife including birds. As it is not good for their health. Some wildlife species will get accustomed to getting fed by humans and they can rapidly become domesticated and this may increase the problem, as it will be seen as a sign of being welcomed by the birds.

Decoys are a good way to control the goose population. Creating a family of swan decoys may help to get rid of geese and preventing the population increasing by birds that are still looking for an area to nest. Geese will defend their young in an aggressive manner and this can be rather dangerous therefore something that incoming birds will want to avoid. Decoys can become a bit of an eyesore but there is no point keeping them out all day. These devices can be placed out when it is migratory season and this can be noticed by honking in the clouds.

Restrict how easy it is to access water as this will ensure that the birds stay away from ponds and beaches. There is several methods to achieve this. One method is to build a dock which lines the edge of the water. This should be at a sufficient height so that they can climb easily onto it. A bird nesting or bird fence at the edge of the water will prevent easy access.

Geese tend to head for the water when they are threatened. When you make access to water difficult it will force the birds to find a different area to build their nest.

There is a lawn treatment spray which is good for controlling the problem. Methyl anthanilate is one of the ingredients in this spray. This is a high-grade substance which has been used for a number of years in food for flavouring. This substance is biodegradable and it is easily broken down.

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