Sunday, January 21, 2018

Linkedin & The Ways Profiles Are Optimized By Online Marketing Companies

By Rob Sutter

If you're new to LinkedIn, there is plenty of work that you have to do on your profile. You can fill it in with some of the more basic pieces of information, including your level of education, employment history, skills, and the like. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that your profile will be optimized. For those that would like to know how this can be done, here are a few pointers that your local online marketing company will be able to offer.

First, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is accompanied by the right photo. You should include one that exudes professionalism, as this will increase the likelihood of someone clicking on your profile to learn more. The photo in question should depict you, preferably in a professional environment, and it must be of a high level of quality from a resolution standpoint. This is just one of the many ways to go about profile optimization, as the likes of can attest.

Another way to optimize your LinkedIn profile is by utilizing the social network's publishing platform. Many other users have done so, not only to speak about current events but to provide insight into their industries. Even if your work doesn't reach as many people as you would like, profiles with published work tend to be held in higher regard than those that lack it. Keep this in mind if you'd like to optimize your platform further.

Third, if you'd like to take your LinkedIn profile to the top from an optimization standpoint, get recommendations from people. For those that don't know, recommendations are testimonials that are left by people that have worked closely with you. Thus, you don't have to rely solely on the experience and skills that your profile shows. Recommendations are held in high regard by LinkedIn users, so it should come as no surprise that they would be beneficial for profile optimization purposes.

By optimizing your LinkedIn profile, you'll be able to unlock hidden features that tend to go overlooked on this social media platform. Not only will you be found by more people, including coworkers, recruiters, and potential employers, but your profile may rank better from an SEO perspective. It's a simple matter of knowing what goes into this level of optimization. The more work that you put in, the more that your LinkedIn profile will benefit.

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