Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why Should I Use Life Coaching Consultants

By Peter Wood

If you search the internet, you will find many life coach training courses being offered. In theory, anyone can become a life coach with the proper training. However, there are some things that are important to be a great coach, both as a person and as actually running a successful coaching business. Here are broad aspects of coaching that good life coaching consultants should meet.

Your life coach training should teach you communication skills- Many people think that to become a life coach; you simply need to be a good listener. Learning to be a great coach is much more than being an agony aunt or listening to people vent. Listening is obviously a very important of coaching, and the coach should be listening much more than speaking.

A coach is akin to a business consultant who's hired to look at a company from the outside in to identify points of weakness and areas for improvement. A coach sees your existence from an objective perspective and holds nothing back when it comes to telling you the brutal truth about what you need to change or fix.

Think of your existence as a bridge stretching from one destination to the next. Bridges always need maintenance and care. They also need a good foundation. An impactful being is like a well-maintained, well-balanced bridge that gets you from where you are to where you want to be and what you want to become.

Myth 4: A coach is the same as a good friend. Coaches are much more likely to hold you accountable to your goals and assignments than a close friend. While we all need close companionship and counsel, a coach's goal is to help you improve and reach your goals. A good friend is there to empathize instead of a mentor. Coaches also tend to be more honest and have more experience rather than filling the role of a listening ear.

A coach should be confident- Confidence is an important element in running any business and even more so in coaching. You are not only making business decisions but also working with people who are coming to see you help with their problems. To be a great coach, the coach should be able to confidently deal with their clients. I often see in the coach training that new coaches get a little flustered when the client presents them with a "big" problem. It is as if the client does not know what to say to solve the problem for the client.

This is interesting as it is not the coach's job to solve the client's problem. In such the coach is there to help the client find their way forward, with the possible solutions the client comes up with. So the coach should be confident in their abilities to assist the client in exploring solutions for themselves. Don't get flustered by problems that seem "insurmountable" to you as the coach.

A good coach should practice sincerity and empathy- As you can imagine, clients come to coaching with various goals and issues. It can be very hard for some people to approach a coach. If the coach is sincere in wanting to help the client, it will shine through. This will help the client feel more at ease and comfortable. This is much more conducive to getting results than somebody who might feel they are being judged by the coach.

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