Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Details Of App-Centric Ads, With Mobile App Developers

By Arthur Williams

If there's one thing that we can agree on, it's that, for the most part, we don't like ads. To be more specific, we don't like ads that are either thrust upon us with no warning or hold little relevance to our interests. This is especially true when it comes to apps, since we typically use them in order to get quick results. For those who would like to know how careful ad implementation should be done on apps, here are a few quick details from app design companies.

There are many things to know about ads in apps, such as their visibility. To be more specific, ads should not be blatant, seeing as how the average user will be able to pick up on them right away. Anyone who has ever designed a program like this will be able to agree, which is why they will be discrete about ad placement. This is just one of the many ways that the design process can be helped, as far as ad implementation is concerned.

Next, if you're going to implement apps, make sure that they hold relevance to your user base. For example, you might be designing a mobile game that people can play anywhere, such as something in the "match-3" genre. If this is the case, perhaps you can incorporate ads for upcoming games, add-ons, or something else that said user base might find to be interesting. This is yet another tip that your local app design company can offer.

Finally, make sure that your ads do not interfere with the overall experience. One of the reasons why companies like Lounge Lizard have been so successful is that they know that ads that cut off someone's experience tend to be looked at without much favor. As a matter of fact, one said ad goes away, they tend to not like the program as much as they did before. If you'd like to include ads, include them before the app loads or just before the user closes it.

If you want to know how ads should be brought into apps, these are just a few talking points worth going over. Many of them are well-known by those who have been involved in the design process for years, which probably goes without saying. More than anything else, these points should benefit those who are still learning the ropes. The more knowledgeable they are, the less likely they are to make mistakes, even when it comes to ads.

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