Saturday, October 8, 2016

How To Turn Into An Excellent Valet

By Frank Burns

The life of a parking attendant is not one to be taken lightly. This professional has to possess several skills to be accepted for the job. So, be able to start your career on the right foot. That is what this article is for. Learn the basics of profession and you shall not have a hard time making your mark.

You would have to work with having superb customer service at the back of your mind. As a valet West Bloomfield, you need to be there at the instant that car owners need you. Thus, be attentive to the needs of others and you can expect to become promoted any time soon. Always be on the look out for where you shall be required.

Cleanliness must be associated with you regardless of this time of the day. Do not forget that everything you do will be reflected on the hotel in West Bloomfield. So, try being at your best even when you are already stressed inside and out. Always bring a handkerchief with you even just to keep up with that appearance protocol.

Act professionally but be able to chat with guests if they take the initiative. You would have to become more outgoing for these people to have a good impression on the hotel. That is important when you are still starting out and you want to become recognized out of all the attendants who are working in that shift.

Remain positive even in the instance when you get reprimanded by your superior. You can always make up for it in the next shift. Plus, let this serve as a lesson that you are not allowed to be reckless with the parking task. Treat every vehicle equally and show how much you value your work even in the early months.

You should not be selective of the guests whom you shall serve. This attitude can be pretty obvious and it will not do anything to help you improve your skills. Moreover, you need to stop acting like this is all for money. Become passionate about your profession despite the fact that you are starting from the bottom.

Be accurate with those claim tickets. Remember that some customers can grow irate when they know that the delay is not because of their own carelessness. So, put all of your attention in your regular routine and try not to have any mistakes with those luggage tags. Only have praises from your supervisor and your work can be easier to handle.

Always practice careful driving skills regardless of the manufacturer of the car being assigned to. Also, resist the temptation to take off with this ride without any permission. A few minutes of adrenaline can easily damage your entire career. Be job oriented from this point onwards.

Have goals even when other people think low of you. Do your job well and aim for that employee of the month award. With this recognition, it would not be that hard for you to apply for a higher position.

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