Monday, July 29, 2019

Top Ways Anyone Can Counter Human Trafficking

By Edward Stevens

Unfortunately, modern say slavery still exists. This is something that is propagated through the illegal trafficking of people. A lot of work has gone into stopping this practice, however, it is something that still happens. Given how wide and big this thing is, it is quite easy to feel overwhelmed as an individual about where to start or what to do but, there are things that you can do at a personal level to help end counter human trafficking.

It is important that you educate yourself about this issue. Understand what it is, given that it is a deeply complex issue that has been going on for hundreds of years. For instance, you can read more about the different kinds of modern day slavery. Learn how to identify its signs and how to report it to the relevant authorities. In addition, there are many books that have been written on this topic.

A big reason why this practice continues is because companies are looking for cheap ways to get labor. Therefore, one way to stand up against this practice is by ceasing to buy products of businesses that exploit people. Only buy products from companies that practice fair trade. You can do your research, so as to find out which companies to avoid and which companies follow ethical practices to do business. In addition, actively push companies that exploit their workers to stop it.

Support survivors. These are people who have managed to free themselves from the york of slavery. By buying products that they have produced, then the survivors are able to get an income to live on. This improves their quality of life.

Donate money to non profits that fight this practice. Most such non profits do not have the funds to keep going. But, if many people can support such organizations, they can make a great impact in fighting this practice.

One way to stop this modern day slavery is by investing in other people. For example, help people to get an education. Also, help them to get employed and encourage them to develop good relationships with others. This minimizes factors that can see them consent to getting trafficked in a bid to lead a better life.

It is a good idea to volunteer your time in organizations that fight against modern day slavery. Check out which nonprofits do this within your neighborhood. Check even with your Church. This will allow you to understand this issue well.

Create awareness in your local community about the issue. A lot of people might be ignorant about the issue. Therefore, spreading the word about it will be helpful in helping them spot signs of victims and also prevent them from getting themselves in the same situation. You can even create clubs in schools about this cause. Also, write to your local political leaders about this issue, so that they can be more vocal about it and include it as part of their agenda.

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