Monday, June 10, 2019

How To Design Successful Sales Coaching Workshops Training

By Janet Murray

Some people are natural salespersons while others have to be taught. Either way, their orientation regarding the product they are selling or brand they will be representing determines their rate of success. You need to organize sales coaching workshops training sessions that sharpen their skills in readiness for the field. How do you make these sessions effective and successful?

The most important trick for marketing is to pick the right people. If you need a horse to compete in a race, you must distinguish it from a donkey. Choose people with a positive attitude and who believe in the product they are selling. No amount of lecturing will change a person unless it comes from within.

Choose a venue that is appropriate for the session. The best venue is where they can train in peace and concentrate for long hours. If you are training executives, they should be housed at a venue that befits their class. Ensure that the venue has no distraction that would affect their concentration.

Develop content and presentations that are considerate of the market you operate. Training a salesman for real estate differs from that of FMCG. The clients they meet and expectations will be different. You need to train them to hand their unique circumstances. They must also understand the expectations of different industries.

Identify a facilitator who is eloquent in his or her presentation. The perception these salesmen and women leave the room with or the confidence they carry to the field will depend on how well they were trained. All details must be clearly provided to avoid misleading your customers. Make the sessions as engaging as possible so that content can be understood better.

The venue must have necessary communication equipment to support delivery. These equipment include microphones, adequate space, projectors and demonstration boards, among others. Prepare simple slide shows and let the learners to engage by asking questions. If they learn in a sophisticated environment, they believe in their product and brand, which enhances their returns.

Simplify the information you are sharing with your students. Adults cannot be subjected to excessively complex notes. Be concise to only capture content that is important. This template will be repeated when the salespersons head to the field. They might be too verbose such that they lose customers in the process. Teach them to pass the message in the shortest time possible.

Use mentors to give their personal experiences. There are seniors who have worked through tough terrains in the industry and made it. Their stories and efforts are usually very inspiring. Use them to teach the current crop. They may also go with these mentors in the field for practical learning.

Use feedback from your students to make the sessions better. Evaluate the performance of each student to determine whether they are suitable for the job. You must remain with characters who are willing and ready to face the challenges and take opportunities that the market offers.

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