Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tips For Oilfield Protection Compliance

By Rebecca Cooper

There are a lot of health and safety hazards in oilfields. This is as a result of the flammable oils and gases that are used in this industry. Therefore, relevant safety measures should be considered as highlighted by most safety and protection authorities. Here are a couple of guidelines for oilfield protection compliance that one should take into consideration.

Use detectors and alert systems. Oilfields face hazards such as toxic gases and fire outbreaks. The measures that must be undertaken include the use of alert systems and sensors. Toxic gas exposure requires the use of detectors that can measure the level of gas in the workstation and warn the employees using an alarm. Fire outbreak systems should switch off all the crucial machines automatically and extinguish the fire to avoid spread.

Ensure that there is continued housekeeping. Housekeeping should be done in different workstations especially those which have limited spaces. Ensure that all common pathways are kept clear from objects and spills are cleaned immediately. The pathways are supposed to be kept wide to ensure that everyone can move freely. Necessary items required for housekeeping had better be set up in places that are common with these risks.

Safeguarding against falls. Workers are usually required to access high points while working in an oilfield. In that case, relevant safety precautions should be considered to avoid falls while the workers are climbing elevated equipment. Workers are expected to be provided with toe-boards that prevent falling and injuries, use safety harness and nets and guard all the floor holes. The employees should be trained in these aspects using a language they can understand.

Consider the signs that are used. Lack of proper communication can contribute a lot to injuries and hazards in an oilfield. Therefore, necessary signs must be used to avoid risks that might come as a result of this. The respective signs are required to consider basic signage rules. This includes the use of color codes, wording, shapes and reassessing them during a project shift.

Make sure that the mental health of the employees is considered. Workers who have a negative mental view of their workstation cannot take note of safety precautions or consider them as well. Frequent team buildings are quite suitable for such kind of condition since it creates strong bonds among the workers. They can as well express their opinions related to their well being without fear.

Use of the right ergonomic measures. Ergonomic hazards are the highest contributors to personal health issues. They are common with workers who are supposed to lift heavy items and use tools in operating different equipment. Employees are supposed to be trained in how to observe various ergonomic measures in lifting heavy equipment and using the right tools.

Ensure continuous employee training. Ongoing training of the employees is important since they can learn how to observe various safety measures. The training must be done in multiple aspects such as how to operate fire protection machines, providing instructions materials and performing safety drills. You should as well place evacuation directions that can be used to exit a workstation during an emergency.

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