Sunday, May 20, 2018

Long Island SEO: The Do's And Don'ts To Bolster Your Shopify Store

By Arthur Williams

When you think of ecommerce, what are some of the names that immediately come to mind? Shopify may be one of the first, and to say that it's popular would be an understatement. With it, retailers and crafters have the ability to sell products related to fashion, luxury, electronics, and the like. For those that would like to know how to get their Shopify stores ranking, here are a few do's & don'ts to follow when it comes to Long Island SEO.

DO carry out keyword research ahead of time. One of the most important Long Island SEO practices is keyword research. Look at your Shopify store and see what's being sold. What are the items that will be sold the most? What do you want to focus on so that more will be sold? These keywords should be prevalent in your content, though not too much to the point where it comes across as spammy. Companies like fishbat will say the same.

DON'T overlook content creation on a routine basis. After all, if you're going to see success from an SEO standpoint, it's important for a steady stream of content to be seen. Your Shopify store practically hinges on this, as it will help with rankings and consumer interest. The more content you produce, the more interest you create. For those that are new to this ecommerce platform, this is especially worth noting.

DO incorporate reviews that previous customers left. While this can have a noticeable SEO benefit, it goes a long way in terms of building trust. When your customers leave product reviews, it's in your best interest to incorporate them into your Shopify store. The main reason for this is that it will influence people to make purchases that they may not have made otherwise. Keep this in mind if you're struggling with taking your online store to the next level.

DON'T forget about the built-in features of Shopify. While there are crafty practices you can use to bolster your search engine results, Shopify has built-in features that makes SEO easier. Did you know that, with this platform, you can edit your tags, descriptions, and URLs? What this means is that you can modify them so that they're more search engine-friendly. This will make getting your online store found that much easier.

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