Tuesday, February 27, 2018

All You Need To Know About Lavender Farm Traverse City MI

By Matthew Johnson

Nothing compares the joy of acquiring land in an area that can harbor medicinal herbs. These herbs have the best demand considering they can be converted to a variety of products. Lavender is one of the popular herbs in the world grown for its desperate aromatherapy products. There a lot to be learned before a farmer can develop a lavender farm Traverse City MI.

There are a number of species of lavender that can do well in different areas. It is important for the farmer to research about the different types available in there are and the conditions they require before they make a selection. This will help in choosing one that befits the underlying environmental conditions and most importantly the type that has a high market demand in their area.

Lavender like most of the crops is sensitive to climatic conditions. This is the most crucial aspect which will determine if the crop will make it or not. They like a sunny, hot and dry conditions if they are to flourish and produce the flowers within the right span. Climate varies from time to time but still, one can make a perfect timing and wait for the favorable conditions before planting.

It is imperative to think about how to generate the seedlings. The farmer has to make the best decision when evaluating whether to use the seeds or to use the stems from a mature plant. They have to weigh the prevailing conditions before making their decisions. The stem cuttings take the shortest time probably three weeks before they develop the roots.

The kind of soil they need is not just any type of soil. It has to be loam or a mixture of loam and sand in order to guarantee proper drainage. They are sensitive to too much water and if drainage is not maintained it can lead to rot. They also like alkaline and low fertility soil for proper their thriving. This requires that one measure these parameters first.

It is also crucial to take into consideration the planting specifications. In most cases, it depends on the size of seedlings and number of leaves and the variety as well. The distance between one plants to another should be 2 to 3 feet apart and 3 to 6 feet between successive rows. This will ensure that they receive enough sunlight.

In between the planting and the harvest, there are a couple of significant practices that should be undertaken to ensure they thrive to the expectation. They must be watered at least twice a week until they produce the buds then extend the time before irrigation. Mulch can be applied to conserve the water. In the first two years, they need to be pruned in order control the number of stems and flowers.

The final and most crucial stage is the harvesting stage. Once the fragrant flowers are harvested they are ready for sale. They can be sold fresh or dried depending on the availability of market. If the flowers are to be sold fresh they must be preserved immediately they are picked to prevent them from perishing which means the price may be affected negatively.

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