Thursday, June 1, 2017

Essential Guides In Using Hytera Two Way Radio

By Dennis Sullivan

Two way radios could both transmit as well as receive signals which allows the operators to converse with each other using the same frequency. Usually, they operate by letting you either talk or listen but not simultaneously and a button should be pressed when you need to talk. This is called a half duplex mode whereas full duplex mode is when simultaneous talking and listening is allowed.

Most business establishments use half duplex radios because of their durability and battery life which last for around twelve hours. You may buy a Hytera two way radio for your workers to use in communicating with each other during work. Hare are some basic tips when using these devices when communicating with other people.

Prepare what you would be saying beforehand before pressing the button because others would not be heard when you are pressing it. You would not be interrupted when you are relaying your message so say it immediately to allow others to talk. Possible emergency communication might be blocked when you press it without anything to say and it also quickly drains your battery.

Immediately identify yourself and the recipient of your message when you have initiated the transmission. Your aim of doing this is for you to have the attention of the recipient when the same channel is being shared by numerous people. They would acknowledge first that their attention is on to you so you could then start talking after.

Be patient and wait for the other person to respond because they might be doing something before you send your call again. Pause before speaking after pressing the button because of possible short delays when transmitting. The first few words may be cut off so waiting for a second to speak will ensure that others receive the whole message.

Keep your transmission clear, short and concise so others can immediately acknowledge it or request for further clarification on it before your next point would be said. They usually repeat back your words in letting you know that they heard as well as understand it. Otherwise, you would be asked to repeat your words.

During personal communication, manners are important although when communicating using radios, this could be dropped to save time in talking. Saying short words of appreciation like thanks is allowed thought being overly polite is highly discouraged. Code terms are even used to shorten the message but these must be understood by everyone though.

Conversations are not always private because other parties may listen to the things you are talking with each other. They might be tuned into the same frequency which makes discussing private matters not recommended. Use some code terms instead for added security specially when your company have specific codes used.

Do not forget to always charge the battery of your device properly so they can be used when needed. Assign someone who would be responsible for charging all devices after the day ends so that they are ready the next day. Or it can be the responsibility of the individuals using them.

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