Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Live Rent Free Los Angeles CA

By Martha Reynolds

Owning a house is a dream come true for most people. However, the road to get there is filled with lots of bumps. For this reason, many people may put this idea on hold as they save up for the perfect place to stay. They may be tenants for a couple of years till they move out to their own space. They can also look for opportunities to live rent free Los Angeles CA is provided.

Honestly, this idea sounds crazy. Why should a landlord in Los Angeles CA offer such an absurd opportunity? Moreover, the person will make no returns from doing so. When such opportunities arise, it is often a win win for both parties. The terms and conditions of such agreements need to be discussed so that there is no mix up in the future.

To get these opportunities, there are jobs that one should look out for. There are jobs that require employees to wake up early and start their work. Failure to which the work will not be finished in time. Living quite a distance from work could have its challenges. When there is a heavy downpour getting to the office on time will be close to impossible.

A family may need a nanny to stay with them for a couple of months. This happens if they have young children who need lots of care and supervision. Other tasks may be part of the deal. Once the kids are resting and have been well taken care of, the nanny can prepare meals for the rest of the family and make sure that the area is neat.

This is possible when working in schools in different capacities. There are certain lecturers that live within campus with their families. This is a choice they made since their homes are quite far. Students who live in dormitories always have someone around to supervise them. They can never be left alone as it would not be safe.

Accommodation companies need managers to be in charge of daily activities. Individuals employed for this job may have a chance of residing in one of the rooms. This depends on whether they are working part time or full time. The residents or people in the area may need to ask certain questions to the management. For this reason it is important for this employee to be around.

House sitting is also another important job that offers such opportunities. It is a temporary job that comes about when the owner of the house has to go away for a while. This could be when the individual has travelled for a while either for business reasons or on vacation. There may be certain things the homeowners need taken care of. This is very important if they have pets left behind.

Most elderly people are left alone. Some families may want nothing to do with them as they are a lot of work especially if they are sickly. This could be a gold mine for someone. If the individual is comfortable, one can offer services such as carrying out errands in return for a place to stay.

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