Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Characteristics Of A Counselor For Educating Communities On Addiction

By Kenneth Morris

Refraining from addiction is something that need a serious commitment. Thus, addiction mentor is required to help in educating communities on addiction with an effort to change. It is too challenging to reform from these behaviors since they are social, and emotional forces that keep on recurring. Addiction drug abuse like smoking needs serious commitment to change completely. Therefore, a counselor who is an adviser helps one walk the rehabilitation path. The following are features that a good mentor should have.

A good counselor should be a role model. They should have admirable traits that will act as a motivation factor to a client. Thus, when choosing an adviser for a friend or a relative, it is important to consider their social and personal behaviors. A morally upright person acts as a perfect role model. One should always portray the beside of them and show an improving curve in life to be a perfect role model

The counseling process is all about communication and arguing someone to change. Thus, one should always be wise in choosing words that will create a conducive environment for both the client and the adviser. Questions asked should be very suggestive to help the mentor understand their client.

Availability is another key trait for a mentor. They should always be available for their clients for them to feel comfortable and in the right hands. Time is very crucial in a mentoring program. One should not be too busy to give mentoring program enough time. Punctuality on meeting time is needed and helps create adequate time for advice.

Respect within the locality and working places helps improve a client expectation. This indicates that one is very orderly especially when giving guidance. On the other hand, one should develop a relationship full of respect with their client. When this happens, a concerned party will always listen to them and follow their advice since they too fear to ruin the connection they share.

Encouragement words are very crucial while in a recovering situation. Recovering is not an easy task. It comes with emotional and psychological difficulties. Thus, someone who sees opportunities at that difficult time is vital. Encouragements words help one feel rejuvenated every time and willing to maintain their sober attitude and change fully. Acknowledgment after improvement helps increase the morale and determination of a client.

When someone is in a compromising situation, they need total care. This is the reason why someone should show sympathy to the affected. Sympathizing helps one feel cared for and still worth among loved ones. This act of comforting is vital as it helps client open up to their adviser whenever in a difficult situation for guidance and moral support. Compassion is thus very key to help one keep their track a rehabilitation process.

Trustworthy is another important trait that a mentor in the city Orange County CA should have. During the mentoring process they talk very private information regarding the addiction period. Some of them are dark secret deeds that a reformer might have encountered. They might be very shameful in the outside world. Thus, it is important that one keeps those issues private and confidential. Revealing them outside may alter the whole process and hurt the reformer emotionally.

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